Chocolate, Red Fruit, Sweet

Chocolate, Red Fruit, Sweet

Item information

Cantinil Union

Item information

Unión Cantinil, Huehuetenango, Guatemala


Variety: Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Unión Cantinil, Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Producers: AAPICUC Coop

Altitude: 1250 - 1980 m

We have another treat for y'all this week. A fresh crop Guatemalan coffee from the world famous Huehuetenango (that's pronounced weh·weh·tuh·nang·gow) region of Guatemala.

This coffee is produced by a cooperative in the Unión Cantinil. It's a super example of a great Huehuetenango coffee. Chocolate but with great red fruit acidity and all round wrapped in sugary sweetness. This is an easy drinker for sure.


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4.5 out of 5

smells great and delicious

Lots of chocolate on this one and a nice creamy mouthfeel. It's a very pleasant cup!

Rob Brayer


Member Since

September '20

4.5 out of 5

Difficult to stop drinking

Chocolate, cream, mild fruit; delicious.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

5.0 out of 5

Loved it!

Chocolate, molasses, caramel.

Chuck Fisher


Member Since

October '23