Cherry kombucha, funky, complex, floral

Cherry kombucha, funky, complex, floral

Item information

Bomba de Fruta #6

Item information

Narino, Colombia


Variety: Colombia, Castillo

Processing: Natural

Origin: Narino Colombia

Producers: Narino Smallholders

Altitude: 1800 masl

The Fruit Bomb is back! This coffee is exactly what it says on the tin! Super fruity, super funky. Lots of jammy fruit with complex florals and a very funky cherry kombucha like flavor.

This is very different to our washed coffees, much less clean but if you enjoy funky naturals, this one is for you.

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1.0 out of 5

Do not like natural. Stop sending me that


Janice Rauch

South Bend

Member Since

April '16