Tasting Notes: Apricot, Cream, Honey

Tasting Notes: Apricot, Cream, Honey

Item information

Buziraguhindwa Shade #2

Item information

Kayanza, Burundi


Variety: Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Kayanza, Burundi

Producers: Salum Ramadhan

Altitude: 2000m

This coffee is another lovely bourbon out of Kayanza, Burundi that was processed at the Buziraguhindwa washing station - resulting from one of their many shade-drying experiments. Buziraguhindwa is a well-equipped facility that has over 220 drying tables with various set-ups, including shade drying options. These are partially covered - either by shade screens or a second drying bed (sort of like a coffee-drying bunk bed). Shading the beans while they are drying helps regulate their temperature and moisture content with the goal of a more even moisture content in the final product. We found the quality and consistency of the lots coming out of Buziraguhindwa to be exceptional, which is why we secured a couple of different lots to explore how processing affects flavor in the final cup.

This particular lot of bourbon is a great change of pace. A strong but not abrasive apricot note defines the flavor, accented by subtle hints of cherry. What stands out most to us is the cup's incredible smoothness - it has a rich, almost creamy quality that compliments the flavors really well. Our recommendation is to take a few moments to yourself, brew a cup, and enjoy it slowly. We think you'll be glad you did!

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5.0 out of 5

Apricot!... nice

This coffee is meant for the Aeropress for sure. Apricot was clearly there with cardamom that lingered beautifully in the finish. A distinct earthiness as well. Complex yet composed... Great stuff!

Daniel S Bieler


Member Since

September '18

2.5 out of 5


Smooth tasting coffee, but I had trouble finding real pizzaz in this one.

Randall LaLonde


Member Since

July '15

3.5 out of 5

Undeniable Apricot Notes

Worked great with a French Press. Very smooth; taste was just not my favorite. Still a fantastic tasting cup of coffee.

Matthew Zinn


Member Since

June '19

4.0 out of 5


Bold but so smooth. Great notes of apricot and as the cup cools to room temperature the creamy roast comes through.

Cody O'Hare


Member Since

July '19

3.0 out of 5

Buziraguhindwa Shade #2

This one slightly missed the mark for me. I had trouble tasting the notes.....especially the apricot for some reason. Usually the notes are spot on. But this one just didn't taste like much to me. Still nice and smooth, though.

Will Hemminger


Member Since

January '16

4.5 out of 5

Smooth and Creamy

The notes of apricot, honey and cherry are present but not competing for number one, just a perfect balance



Member Since

May '19

5.0 out of 5

Liked this one!

Very smooth with fruity tones.. I seem to prefer the African beans..

Zoli Hajdu

Sherman Oaks

Member Since

July '19

2.0 out of 5

Not my speed.

Couldn't quite figure out how to brew this one properly. There's nothing particularly wrong with it: Not a lot of bitterness and the apricot tartness comes without unpleasant sourness as well. But beyond that I didn't have any luck getting any other flavor notes and wasn't super interested in what was there. As noted elsewhere, Aeropress is definitely the best way to brew this coffee.

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18