Orange, Chocolate, Caramel

Orange, Chocolate, Caramel

Item information

Classic: Gashonga

Item information

Rusizi, Rwanda


Variety: Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Rusizi, Rwanda

Producers: Gashonga Cooperative

Altitude: 1650m

Cup Score (Importer): 87

Cooperative Membership: 100+

This coffee comes from the Gashonga cooperative in Western Rwanda - which is a women-run coffee growing cooperative founded in 2009. The coop has grown to over 100 members since its founding, acquiring goats and sheep with which they’ve developed their own organic fertilizer program in conjunction with agronomic training for members. They’ve also been able to invest in their members’ livelihoods - providing health insurance and educational opportunities. The quality of their coffee has also increased as the coop continues to grow, earning them a 7th place finish in the 2015 Rwandan Cup of Excellence competition. We look forward to hearing more about the progress out of Gashonga - and the great coffees we’re sure they’ll produce in future years!

This lot of Gashonga presents some wonderful flavors in a laid-back way. Notes of orange and chocolate mix together well in a smooth, full-bodied brew with some caramel-like sweetness. Overall it’s a great, composed coffee that would make a perfect early-morning cup or dessert brew - sweet and rich without too much acidity or tartness. Coffees like this are a treat - and we hope you take some time to savor this brew!

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