Apple, Honey, Brown Sugar

Apple, Honey, Brown Sugar

Item information

Classic: Villaure

Item information

Heuehuetenango, Guatemala


Variety: Caturra

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Producers: Aurelio Villatoro

Altitude: 1400-1750m

We're proud to present this lot of Villaure - a winner from Guatemala's 2019 Cup of Excellence auction. This pristine lot of washed Caturra derives its name from a portmanteau of producer Aurelio Villatoro's name: Vill-Aure. When a producer takes that much ownership and pride in their work, you know it must be exceptional quality - and the production processes at Villaure live up to that expectation. The farm is obsessively managed, with shade trees and organic soil management increasing quality and yield year-over-year. Coffees are hand-picked when ripe, pulped within 6 hours of picking, and washed same-day before drying on grade-separated patios. It's a winning strategy - Mr. Villatoro is a 5-Time Cup of Excellence winner, but what he's most proud of is that his children Jenner & Rodin are continuing as third-generation coffee farmers.

Generally, Cup of Excellence winning coffees are rare varietals like Gesha or difficult-to-execute processes like white honey. When we saw a washed Caturra on the CoE cupping table, we knew we must be in for some truly spectacular flavors - and we were still blown away. Crisp, ripe apple tartness, smooth honey sweetness, and a warm brown sugar note combine to make an exquisite and comforting profile that truly is in a league of its own. This is coffee executed at the highest level, and we're so glad we secured a small amount of this lot to share with you.

Each shipment will contain 4oz of roasted coffee
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