Orange Peel, Cherry, Honey

Orange Peel, Cherry, Honey

Item information


Item information


Variety: Caturra, Colombia, Castillo

Processing: Washed

Crop Year: 2017

Origin: Narino, Colombia

Producers: Narino Small-holders

Altitude: 1800-1900m

One of the best things about coffees from Narino is the variety. Since Narino has such a robust coffee history, producers are growing all sorts of varietals and trying all sorts of processes to create unique coffees. This mix of Caturra, Colombia, and Castillo is a great example: the beans are fermented for 24 hours before washing and drying on raised beds. The result is outstanding flavor and clarity.

Cusillo is an extremely bright and acidic coffee that's sure to amp you up. A strong orange peel note lends some acidity to the cup, while a very bright cherry note gives the profile a good blend of tartness and fruity flavor. A honey note contributes sweetness and helps balance the tartness and acidity at play. We think this dynamic coffee is great, and we'd love to know if you agree. Be sure to rate your coffee online and share your comments with the club!

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4.5 out of 5


Quite possibly the best coffee I have ever had. Some of the more fruity, refined notes that seem to be popular with the hardcore coffee enthusiasts. Still a really good classic, roasty flavor though.

Charles Gilliam


Member Since

February '18

4.5 out of 5

Delicious in several ways.

I was unsure what to expect as I don't have a lot of experience with acidic coffees and this one was advertised with a lot of fruit flavor. Fortunately it blew me away. The beans have an almost woody, aromatic aroma. When ground this develops into a delicious chocolatey smell with hints of that advertised orange peel. Brewing brings that citrus to the front in a big way. First sip was extremely light. I was ready to chalk that up to my technique, but flavors broadened later on so I'm not sure if my cup was actually too weak or the lightness is a feature of this roast. Primary flavor is a tart cherry, undercut by the citrus bite that was so present in the aroma. There is certainly body as well, though, something I can't quite place, dark and a little like dark chocolate. Throughout there is an awesome coffee flavor as well, but it neither overpowers the fruit notes nor fades into the background.

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18

4.0 out of 5

Nice balance and complexity

Great balance of sweet and fruity flavors. A nice, complex, full body.

Sheldon Sachs

Mount Kisco

Member Since

September '16

5.0 out of 5

One of my favorite profiles yet

At the batch's freshest, strong cherry flavor on the front of the sip with honey notes in the aftertaste. As the beans aged, cherry flavor became more prominent with citrus aftertaste and honey faded out. A great flavor profile and balance.

Asad Akbany


Member Since

March '18

4.5 out of 5

Really great

Light mouthfeel, good on the tasting notes. I would order this again if it was available!

Joseph Frantz

Fort Myers

Member Since

December '16

William Wahlers

I drink coffee black no sugar. This coffee has nice up front acidic , followed by back of the mouth fruit taste. Like wine I like to try different coffees keep the coming

william wahlers


Member Since

May '18