Tasting Notes: Raisin, Brown Sugar, Berry

Tasting Notes: Raisin, Brown Sugar, Berry

Item information

El Pantanal

Item information

Marcala, Honduras


Variety: Catuai

Processing: Washed

Origin: Marcala, Honduras

Producers: Marysabel Caballero

Altitude: 1600m

This lot of washed Catuai was grown by Marysabel Caballero and her husband Moises Herrera on their Finca El Puente farm in Honduras. Marysabel, a third-generation coffee farmer, inherited the land from her father Don Fabio, who still helps out with various projects around the farms Marysabel & Moises manage. Marysabel has recently increased focus on environmental sustainability at her farms - revitalizing soil with organic fertilizers & planting oranges, avocados, bananas, and flowers to encourage biodiversity (and to provide healthy snacks for coffee pickers during harvest). Marysabel's coffees consistently stand out from other producers in her area for their strong flavors, which has won her top prices and several awards at Honduran coffee events. We admire producers like Marysabel that are constantly improving their farms and consistently raising the bar for cup quality - we couldn't be happier to share her coffee with you.

El Pantanal is a great breakfast cup, with tasting notes that remind us of a warm bowl of oatmeal: brown sugar sweetness paired with a tangy note of raisin and a hint of berry brightness fill out the profile. El Pantanal is a coffee that's smooth and sweet without too much acidity or spice, and we think it really hits the spot for starting your day. Let us know what you think by reviewing your brew and leaving a comment!

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2.5 out of 5

Good coffee, not exceptional

This was still exceptionally better than any store bought coffee, however my least favorite from the subscription so far. Happy to have branched out from my coffee comfort zone nonetheless:)

Brett Holloway


Member Since

January '19

3.5 out of 5

Good but not my style

This coffee is not acidic/bright enough for me. Flavor notes are accurate but as stated this is not my preferred cup. I have yet to taste a Central/South American coffee that compares to Ethiopian or Kenyan beans. I'd like to be surprised but until then I'll stay in Africa.

Alex Groves

Steamboat Springs

Member Since

November '18

2.5 out of 5

Good but not my preference

It was definitely better than every day coffee, but it was a little too acidic for me. I use an aeropress and I experimented on how long I'd let the grounds steep, but I wasn't able to get it down to an acidity I liked without needing creamer. I am still newer to the black coffee thing though, so I'd still encourage others to try it out(:

On 02/21/19 BJ said

Thanks for the feedback! Did you try experimenting a bit with grind size as well as brew time? Sometimes I find that a finer grind can take the edge off of acidity. Cheers!

Brittany N Maynard


Member Since

January '19

4.0 out of 5


This was the second coffee I had in the club. And I truly enjoyed it. As a smooth coffee that went down easily, I learned the hard way to drink this only in the earlier part of the day. ;-)

K Beck


Member Since

January '19

5.0 out of 5

Fantastic cup of joe.

It looks like my tastes are a lot different than other reviewers so far. I thought there was something utterly classic about this cup. It doesn't have the tinny brightness that a lot of third wave coffees have, and didn't leave me feeling overly wired. This is a silky, full-bodied cup that came from my Chemex clean, low-acid, and with light sweetness. It was a nostalgia trip in a good way-- it seemed to me like truck stop or local-joint coffee, idealized. This is what all the bad coffee I ever drank was supposed to be.

Eric Parkison


Member Since

October '15

3.5 out of 5

Solid cup but not transcendant

Very smooth but I couldn't quite taste the notes that were described. It was more like a good cup of coffee with nothing particularly distinctive about it.

Will Hemminger


Member Since

January '16