Tasting Notes: Mango, Kumquat, Sugar

Tasting Notes: Mango, Kumquat, Sugar

Item information

El Socorro #4

Item information

Palencia, Guatemala


Variety: Yellow Catuai, Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Palencia, Guatemala

Producers: Juan Diego de la Cerda

Altitude: 1750m

We couldn't resist picking up another lot from El Socorro this season, because we love the wide range of flavors and varietals available in their coffees. Juan Diego de la Cerda's family has been farming at El Socorro for three generations, and their approach of constantly experimenting with different production processes and varietals has led to unique offerings each season, which is a coffee taster's dream. We picked up two lots this year that we feel really emphasize the range of what's possible in specialty coffee from Guatemala, both grown and processed at the same farm! While El Socorro #3 was a creamy, almost mellow brew, El Socorro #4 dials up the excitement with some flashy flavors.

We're tasting big fruit notes in El Socorro #4 - a juicy, ripe mango leads off the profile, and some unique, tart kumquat tastes are present as well, lending the cup a unique character that we don't often see. There's an overarching sweetness to the whole cup reminiscent of cane sugar - which levels out any of the sourness you may associate with kumquats, leaving a coffee that is sweet, juicy, and tart all at once. It's a wild experience and one that we knew the club needed to try when we first cupped it. We're happy to be sharing El Socorro #4 with you now and look forward to more unique coffees from Juan Diego and the team next season!

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3.5 out of 5

smooth and sweet

Taste all the notes. Smooth and sweet, Suttle



Member Since

May '19

4.5 out of 5

Very warm and cozy

I like this roast because it's rich and flavorful and very smooth. To me it's not overly sweet, I've had some coffees before that tasted like fruitloops but in coffee form. I was pleasantly surprised with this roast! Normally I stick to Ethiopian blends.

Karen Cheng


Member Since

January '19

4.0 out of 5

Very Smooth

Could definitely taste the mango. What a great coffee!!

david kutcipal


Member Since

April '15

5.0 out of 5


My brew method (Ninja drip machine) doesn't bring out all the notes that other approaches would, but this had a wonderful balance of citrus acidity and sweet summer fruit that I could drink day in and day out - please keep these coming!

Brian Leitner

Santa Cruz

Member Since

September '19

4.5 out of 5


I love this bean and roast! El Socorro #4 is extremely well-balanced, with subtle high notes and robust lows. Any who are fans of classic roasts will likely appreciate this one. It's not overly complex, but has enough to keep you interested. A wonderful everyday coffee.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

3.5 out of 5

El Socorro

Another great light roast from Moustache, very smooth and well balanced, easy to drink.

Randall LaLonde


Member Since

July '15

5.0 out of 5

Oh how I love this one!

I enjoy nearly all MCC coffees, but there are a few that are absolute standouts for me. This is one. I normally drink about 12 oz. with creamer in the morning, & am good for the day. This one was so good that I enjoy making another cuppa later in the day. Smooth & tasty.

J. Fox

High Point

Member Since

June '14

4.5 out of 5


This is above-average, and average Mustache is really good. This bean is great with V60, but it is superb with Aeropress. I imagine that other brewing methods will yield similar deliciousness. I recommend this coffee.

Tim Browning

Idaho Falls

Member Since

February '16

2.5 out of 5

Pleasant, just not exactly to my taste.

Off the bat, I will note that this coffee has a clear sweetness in the aroma, which is not something I've noticed before except in naturals (and that sweetness is of a different kind). Seems like a smooth, balanced coffee, and would probably reward more tweaks to brew method. Unlike other coffees I've felt similarly about, however, this one just doesn't motivate me to experiment.

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18

4.5 out of 5


Makes a great cup of coffee and was enjoyed with it's robust profile.



Member Since

November '19