Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Orange, Smooth

Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Orange, Smooth

Item information

Fray Juan

Item information

Fraijanes, Guatemala


Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Pache, and Catuai

Processing: Washed

Origin: Fraijanes, Guatemala

Producers: Fraijanes Small-holders

Altitude: 1800m

Fray Juan is a delicious coffee made up of Bourbon, Caturra, Pache, and Catuai beans from different small-holders in the Fraijanes region of Guatemala. Pacaya, the country's most active volcano, occasionally sends ash into the surrounding area - providing a mineral boost to the soil that many Guatemalans say gives coffees from Fraijanes a distinctive quality. While the higher altitudes in Fraijanes see a decent amount of rain and fog in the mornings, ample sun burns off most of the clouds in the afternoons and allows most coffees from Fraijanes to be sun-dried on patios which goes a long way in promoting even drying and dynamic flavors!

What we love about Fray Juan is how smooth and luscious the brewed cup is - it's the perfect coffee for easing into an early morning or just relaxing with your favorite mug. We're picking up on a creamy milk chocolate note with almond-like undertones, plus a slight hint of orange flavors. No matter how you choose to brew, we think you'll be as impressed as we were with how smooth and delicious a cup of Fray Juan can be/ Let us know by rating your coffee on the website - it's a great way for us to get feedback and know what flavor profiles you'd like us to look for in the future. Enjoy!

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