Chocolate, Hazelnut, Cranberry

Chocolate, Hazelnut, Cranberry

Item information

Lalo Lot 4

Item information


Variety: Heirloom

Processing: Washed

Crop Year: 2016

Origin: Jimma, Ethiopia

Producers: Mohammed & Mehbuba Lalo

Altitude: 1950m

This week's coffee is another delicious Ethiopian, sourced by the excellent folks at Nordic Approach. We're extremely happy to be working with people who really value good coffee, and these beans are the perfect example of why. Grown on a sizable farm in the Jimma region by seasoned veterans of the coffee-growing business, these beans are sorted, milled, and dried according to rigorous standards, and the results are incredible. A bright coffee that combines the creaminess of chocolate notes with some sweet fruit flavors. It makes for a delicious cup, and we're ecstatic that we got the opportunity to share it with you!

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