Peaches, Sugar, Spice

Peaches, Sugar, Spice

Item information

Lyula AA 2019 - Classic

Item information

Songwe, Tanzania


Variety: Kent

Processing: Washed

Origin: Songwe, Tanzania

Producers: Lyula Amcos Cooperative

Altitude: 1700m

Cup Score (Importer): 88

Average Coop Member Farm Size: 1.6 Hectares

Lyula AA is our last Tanzanian lot from the latest harvest, and it's quite the send off for this year's crop! The folks at Lyula are consistently producing exemplary coffees so it's not exactly a surprise, but we're still always taken aback by the quality coming out of this washing station. The AA lot consists of the largest beans coming into the station - AA is the top grade in Tanzania and generally AA lots are the most sought-after beans. This coffee was hand-sorted and floated multiple times by the folks at Songwe, and put through a rigorous washed processing and drying on raised beds to create the incredible brew we're enjoying.

Lyula AA creates a fantastic, juicy brew with a strong peachy flavor at the forefront. There's a smooth, brown-sugary sweetness alongside it that keeps the cup grounded and prevents any acidity from overpowering the rest of the flavors at play. There's also a touch of spice that we're picking up on that makes the brew a little more complex and interesting than your run-of-the-mill African coffee. Altogether this cup almost reminds us of a slice of peach pie - a great balance of sweetness and smoothness to be enjoyed any time of day.

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