Tasting Notes: Black Tea, Lime, Sugar

Tasting Notes: Black Tea, Lime, Sugar

Item information

Lyula AB 2019

Item information

Songwe, Tanzania


Variety: Kent

Processing: Washed

Origin: Songwe, Tanzania

Producers: Lyula Amcos Cooperative

Altitude: 1700m

Cup Score (Importer): 87

Average Coop Member Farm Size: 1.6 Hectares

We're very excited to be bringing back the Tanzanian coffees we featured last year - staring with Lyula AB! This coffee was produced by the AMCOS Cooperative in Songwe, which has over 200 active members who pool together their cherries for processing. Coffee has been grown in the Lyula region since 1938 when coffee seeds were introduced by some missionaries - though now they're cultivating mainly improved varietals descended from Bourbon plants. The cooperative has recently improved their processing via new pulping machines, and are expanding their washed coffee production. Coffee is graded, floated, and sorted pre-pulping, and continually hand-sorted during drying to ensure consistent quality and flavor across the cooperative's different lots. We really loved this coffee last year, and this lot is a great continuation!

The flavors from Lyula AB are a great balance of savory and and bright. The profile exhibits some warm black tea notes that give a great balance of spice and earthy flavor, coupled with a lime acidity that livens up the brew. It's also a fairly sweet coffee, most likely thanks to the excellent processing and increased focus on even drying and sorting. You can definitely tell this coffee comes from Africa - exhibiting that beloved "juicy" quality that devotees search for. We're excited to have Tanzanians back in the roasting rotation - and we think you will be too after your first sip!

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4.0 out of 5

Mcc tasting notes are on point

Very nice taste. Tastes exactly as was described

Gregg Gusta


Member Since

February '19

Lyula AB 2019

Very good! Taste & smells like described

Tracey Dykhouse


Member Since

January '19

3.5 out of 5

Definitely Tea-ish

These tasting notes are nice and work well together. However, I found the black tea note to be very pervasive and strong. It almost made me think I was drinking a really strong black tea sometimes.

Will Hemminger


Member Since

January '16

4.5 out of 5

Interesting Lot and Roast!

The nose of this roast is fascinating; struggled to place it for a while until it came to me - black vinegar and sugar. Upon sipping, you feel that citric acidity hit your palate, but it's more muted than many Africans and balanced against a sweet, earthy backbone. Like a strong, quality black tea with a lemony burst.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

5.0 out of 5

Good morning

This is a fragrant, easy to wake up with coffee, with just enough of the "lime" in the finish to give it some structure.

On 04/08/20 BJ said

Glad you're enjoying. That hint of acidity really rounds things out! :)

Will Bklyn


Member Since

January '16

3.0 out of 5

Quite complex.

I've gotten some strong cherry pit vibes, other than that have been searching for the other tasting notes. The vinegar mentioned below is something I hadn't considered looking for.

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18