Tasting Notes: Peach, Tea, Honeydew

Tasting Notes: Peach, Tea, Honeydew

Item information


Item information

Esquipulas, Guatemala


Variety: Red Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Esquipulas, Guatemala

Producers: Jaime & Oscar Lopez Buezo

Altitude: 1580m

This lot of washed Red Bourbon comes to us from Esquipulas, Guatemala - a community near the border with El Salvador and Honduras. We went to Esquipulas earlier this year to visit farms and taste coffees, and we made a brief stop at Finca Miramundo where Jaime & Oscar Lopez Buezo grew and processed these beans. After touring several farms that make up the local growers group 'Esquipulas Coffees,' we held an informal competition and cupped lots from each farm with our import partner and a few other coffee roasters that were visiting. At the end of the day, over a delicious meal in downtown Esquipulas, we compared scores and crowned a 'winner' - and it was Finca Miramundo! Our import partner took note, and helped us organize bringing these great beans from Eastern Guatemala to the United States!

In Esquipulas, what jumped out about Finca Miramundo in cupping was the incredible smoothness present in their beans - and the same goes for the lot that's landed stateside. We're picking up on mellow notes of honeydew and green tea that make for an easy-drinking cup that we love. There's some peachy sweetness present that livens up the profile a bit, but overall this is an easy-going coffee that you'll want to slow down and enjoy to the fullest. It was really special to taste these beans at origin and taste them here, knowing that the club will be sharing a little piece of our trip to Esquipulas with every brew. Many thanks to Jaime & Oscar for these incredible beans - and enjoy!

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3.5 out of 5

Tasty and interesting.

Pretty much got the same notes as in the description. If you like green-tea-like coffees as I do this is one to try for sure: That's by far the clearest and first note. I felt like the fruit notes were more lime than peach, but either way it's a nice blend of sweet and a tiny bit of sour. Not the smoothest or obviously fruity coffee I've tried, but my grinder's also really bad. Feel like it would be a next-level cup on the right gear.

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18

light and flavorful

dominance of green tea with light fruit notes. an easy first cup in the a m



Member Since

May '19