Plum, Vanilla, Spice

Plum, Vanilla, Spice

Item information

Nensebo #1

Item information

West Arsi, Ethiopia


Variety: Ethiopian Heirloom

Processing: Natural

Origin: West Arsi, Ethiopia

Producers: West Arsi Smallholders

Altitude: 1900m


Happy to have another fantastic coffee from the Nensebo washing station roasting for the club. This coffee is another lot of small-holder grown, natural-processed Ethiopian heirloom beans, which raises the question: How can two coffees from the same place with the same process taste different? The answer is that producing great coffee is very complicated! There's always going to be some variation in processing, like how weather impacts a lot's total drying time, and which farmers bring cherry to contribute on a given day. We love featuring multiple lots from the same producer to highlight the traits common to a particular region - and the differences in flavor that can pop up from small variances in processing!

For instance - we're tasting some of the same lovely spiced notes in Nensebo #1 that we picked up in Nensebo #2, but backed by a rich, plum-like quality. We're also finding this particular coffee has some delicate sweet vanilla and floral tones, which is a fun twist! Whether you want to discern some subtle flavor differences or just enjoy another sweet, fruity coffee - Nensebo #1 will deliver!

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