Tasting Notes: Floral, Plum, Granola

Tasting Notes: Floral, Plum, Granola

Item information

Qore Kelloo

Item information

Kochere, Ethiopia


Variety: Ethiopian Heirloom

Processing: Honey

Origin: Kochere, Ethiopia

Producers: Kochere Small-holders

Altitude: 1800-2100m

Qore is an excellent mill high up in the mountains of Ethiopia that has been producing some really exceptional honey coffees like this one. Local small-holders bring their coffee cherries to the mill where everything is hand-sorted into grades and floated to remove any defects before initial processing. The densest beans are reserved for honey processing, and after the initial pulping almost all of the mucilage is left on during drying - which is often referred to as "black honey" processing at other origins. The beans dry for about 20 days, and are agitated throughout to break up any clumps and encourage even drying.

Flavor-wise, Qore Kelloo #3 is a delicious mix of sweet, tart, and savory flavors. A sticky plum note almost certainly results from the honey processing, and a nice floral quality emerges as well. We also found the flavors here reminiscent of home-made granola, with a bit of spice and savory taste giving the brew a weighty, substantial character. Honey coffees are always a blast because of the range of flavors they can present, and this is a great example of how unique and exciting they can be. Try brewing a few different ways, and let us know which method produces the tastiest result!

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5.0 out of 5

Perfect roast!

I like lighter roasted coffees where the aroma is inviting and not burnt, the beans are not oily, and these make the sweetest espresso for me. This Ethiopian batch knocked it out of the park on all fronts!

Alan Chen

Averill Park

Member Since

October '14

3.5 out of 5

Interesting but not a favorite

This coffee had an almost yogurty aroma in the bag which piqued my interest for sure. When brewed, that didn't really translate into the flavor, but the coffee was decent. I got a little bit of a granola flavor (I assume from the honey processing method). Overall, it's a good coffee but not one that I would purchase again.

Jesse Walz


Member Since

January '19

5.0 out of 5

Great tasting!

I love this coffee, its a little sweet and has great bold flavor.

Alexis Bartschi

Las Cruces

Member Since

January '19

5.0 out of 5

Top Notch

Superb coffee - complex, robust, smooth, with a nice mouth feel and finish. Well-balanced with high and low notes, and a nice round middle. Love this coffee.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

5.0 out of 5


Love strong coffee and this fit the bill!

Michael Binderup

Grand Island

Member Since

February '19

3.5 out of 5

Different, but not my thing.

This coffee is by no means bad. It has interesting flavors. The coffee fades into a very distinct tanginess that I wasn't a huge fan of. However, it is complex and not bitter, so for those that like a bit of aftertaste, then give it a try. Also, before it was ground, the beans arrived beautifully roasted and smelled heavenly. Probably the best smelling coffee I have ever encountered.

Ashley N Huntress


Member Since

February '17

3.5 out of 5

Delicate and Balanced

I liked this coffee it was a great light cup of in the morning. Not something I can drink all morning. I was amazed at the sweet notes it had. I never added sugar

Thomas Shepard


Member Since

February '19

4.5 out of 5


Brewed up rich and smooth with a strong dark chocolate note up front. Some interesting and wild flavors and aromas appeared at times. Acidity was light with a little tang in the finish. The honey process really gave some great characteristics to it. Glad to have experienced this remarkable coffee!

Daniel S Bieler


Member Since

September '18

4.0 out of 5

Amazing Ethiopian

Has a different sort of complexity compared to other ethiopian heirlooms. Made with a cloth pourover and a siphon. Still trying to dial in the siphon but the cloth was amazing. A full range of flavors. One of my favorite moustache coffees so far.

On 04/29/19 Jonathan Holt said

Did not realize that you can give .5 starts. This is really a 4.5

Jonathan Holt


Member Since

June '18

3.5 out of 5

Decent but I've had better Ethiopians

I probably wouldn't reorder this, it's decent but I much prefer the Adola Samii.

Karen Cheng


Member Since

January '19

4.0 out of 5


I'm not a big fan of African coffees, but this one was pretty good. Helped to soften it a bit with creamer.

J. Fox

High Point

Member Since

June '14