Master Your Chemex - FREE email course


Hey there! As you probably guessed- we LOVE the Chemex. Unchanged since its introduction in 1941, the Chemex offers you control over the ultimate at home brewing experience. We offer this guide to you in order to take the mystery our of this elegant brew method so you can enjoy awesome coffee everyday. Are you ready to be your own barista at home? We thought so.

We've spent years obsessing over how to make the perfect coffee using the Chemex. We've scoured the internet, attended classes and experimented ourselves. We'd love to share this knowledge with you in all its glory! Let's connect over more than just the awesome coffee we send to you- let's learn something together.

What should you expect? We've created a short and straight forward 5 day email course. We'll send you a short email with all the information you'll need to master your Chemex step by step and day by day. We'll include all we've learned about making amazing coffee with lots of tips tricks, recipes and our own bloopers (because we are real like that). We are dedicated to making sure you make the best coffee you'll ever enjoy! Get started today!

In This Course You Will Learn...

  • The correct amount of coffee to use and how to vary it to get the best results
  • The relationship between grind size, water temperature & brew time and how to use them to your advantage
  • New techniques and recipes like "How to make ice coffee and cold brew with your Chemex"
  • Great tips on how to "dial in" your coffee setup and get perfect results every time
  • And much more...

Expert Coffee Knowledge for FREE

Get access to knowledge and training that is usually reserved for professional baristas on expensive training courses. We demystify the coffee creation process so that you can start creating coffee shop quality coffee at home every time!

Why are we giving this away for free? We believe that everyone can create awesome coffee at home. It's in our interest for people to realize that they don't need a tattooed cap-wearing cosplaying prohibition-era barista to brew their coffee for them. We look forward to empowering you to take back your morning and be your own barista!

Enter your email to get started*

* don't worry we hate spammers too. We promise to never spam you or sell your email to a third-party. Absolutely no funny business!