Costa Rican Coffee

Costa Rica is full of coffee producers with incredibly high standards, and though the country is relatively small in area, it has quickly become known as one of the top producers of quality specialty grade coffee in the world. In recent years, this has led to a more competitive market and higher prices for Costa Rican coffees, which is spurring further growth in quality development in the country.

Costa Rican Coffee Regions

Coffee is grown in many areas of Costa Rica, but a few have made a name for themselves specifically as hot-beds for quality coffee.

Tarrazú: The most well-known growing region in Costa Rica, Tarrazú benefits from its location at the edge of the Cordillera de Talamanca. The highlands of this mountain range create the perfect growing conditions for coffee plants, which thrive in the region and routinely out-perform the rest of the country in coffee quality contests.

Brunca: Altitude isn't the only key to great coffee - however, which Brunca proves with its consistently impressive coffees. Located south of Tarrazú, the Brunca region has less altitude overall but still produces some stunning coffees.

Varietals of Costa Rican Coffee

The most common coffee varietals found in Costa Rica are Catuai and Caturra. Many Costa Rican specialty producers have experience growing rare and delicate varietals like Bourbon and Gesha as well. Costa Rican Bourbon and Gesha coffees are often considered to be some of the best coffees in the world - and based on the ones we've sourced for our Tasting Series we'd have to agree!

Costa Rican Coffee Available Now


Berry, Cinnamon, Hibiscus, Rose Hips

Tarrazu, Costa Rica

San Diego Anaerobic Honey


Raspberry, Dark Chocolate

La Libertad, Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Finca Terrazas


Blackberry, Lime, Walnut, Honey

Central Valley, Costa Rica

Finca Carrizal

Past Costa Rican Coffee


Tropical Fruit, Strawberry, Floral, Passion Fruit

Tasting Series: Santa Teresa Geisha


Peach, Caramel, Floral

Huila, Colombia

TS: Ninco Pink Bourbon


Apple, Cream, Heavy

Classic: La Angostura Honey


Tasting Notes: Tangerine, Lavender, Green Tea

Brunca, Costa Rica

La Flor de Roble


Tasting Notes: Candied Fruit, Floral, Citrus

Tarrazu, Costa Rica

El Higueron


Finca La Loma

Finca La Loma


Peach, Caramel, Floral

Huila, Colombia

MB4: Ninco Pink Bourbon