no scm
Tarrazú: The most well-known growing region in Costa Rica, Tarrazú benefits from its location at the edge of the Cordillera de Talamanca. The highlands of this mountain range create the perfect growing conditions for coffee plants, which thrive in the region and routinely out-perform the rest of the country in coffee quality contests.
Brunca: Altitude isn't the only key to great coffee - however, which Brunca proves with its consistently impressive coffees. Located south of Tarrazú, the Brunca region has less altitude overall but still produces some stunning coffees.
Tarrazu, Costa Rica
San Diego Anaerobic Honey
La Libertad, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Finca Terrazas
Central Valley, Costa Rica
Finca Carrizal
Tasting Series: Santa Teresa Geisha
Huila, Colombia
TS: Ninco Pink Bourbon
Finca Viuda
Classic: La Angostura Honey
Vista Del Lago
Santa Teresa
El Balar
Brunca, Costa Rica
La Flor de Roble
Tarrazu, Costa Rica
El Higueron
La Cuesta
Finca La Loma
Bandera Brizuela
La Cruz
Huila, Colombia
MB4: Ninco Pink Bourbon